Fetal Neurosonogram

What is Fetal Neurosonogram?
Fetal Neurosonogram is usually performed with a high-resolution ultrasound probe. Usually, a transvaginal probe is used. But if the head of the baby is on the upper side, we make the pregnant lady sit leaning forwards and scan trans abdominally. In most cases, the 2D and 3D images of the brain are equal and even better than MRI scan images. This neuro-sonogram gives a lot of information about the brain when a defect is suspected in a routine antenatal scan.
Suspicion of CNS or spinal malformation at nuchal translucency scan.
Familial or inheritable CNS or spinal malformations.
Previous pregnancy was complicated by fetal brain or spinal malformation
Suspicion of spinal malformation or CNS in routine screening ultrasound.