Mr. Jackson
Mr. Jackson

Prostate Ultrasound

Prostate Ultrasound

What is a Prostate Ultrasound?

A prostate ultrasound examines your prostate for any enlargement, abnormalities cancer or other issues. It is advisable to do a prostate ultrasound for males above 55 years of age. Trans Rectal Ultrasound (TRUS) can give a high-resolution image of the prostate. So that malignancy can be suspected which may further need a biopsy to confirm TRUS is also prescribed in case of absent sperm count and lower urinary tract syndromes.

The Procedure

The time taken for the procedure is 15 minutes, and if the scan is done trans abdominally partially filled urinary bladder is advisable. For TRUS empty bladder may be better.


Painless, safe and done in a short period

Helps doctors identify prostate diseases

No adverse side effects or risks are involved in an ultrasound scan