Colour Doppler Scan

What is Colour Doppler Scan in 3rd Trimester of Pregnancy?
Colour Doppler scan is usually advised in high-risk pregnancies. Usually, uterine artery blood flow, fetal umbilical artery blood flow and blood flow in the brain of the fetus are studied. If the study is normal, one can assume that the baby is comfortable in the mother’s womb and the pregnancy can be continued. Abnormality in this doppler study indicates that the baby is not comfortable in the mother’s womb and indicates an immediate decision to be taken to terminate the pregnancy. Along with the Doppler study, we know the weight of the fetus too. This can predict any neonatal ICU support needed after the delivery.
The Procedure
Time taken for the procedure is 15 to 20 minutes and no particular preparation is required and no need for a full bladder to perform the scan.
Reliable and safe for the mother and the baby