Mr. Jackson
Mr. Jackson

Know these when you go for a pregnancy scan

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Know these when you go for a pregnancy scan

Pregnancy is usually one of the most beautiful experiences for women. Yet, it comes with its own anxieties.During pregnancy, the mother and child are prone to a myriad of disorders and complications. To make sure that the baby is doing well and to rule out any complications in the mother or baby, regular antenatal screening is essential. This can help you rule out the risks of complications or disorders.

The tests can often add to the anxiety and hence, we at Ambady Scan Centre want to help you ease this part of your pregnancy. Here are some important instructions that can help you come prepared for your pregnancy scans:

  • Bring your previous test records taken during pregnancy or just before getting pregnant.
  • If you have a history of previous miscarriages, or abnormal pregnancies always carry your reports.
  • Bring the prescriptions or details of all the medicines that you are taking regularly
  • Eat your food as usual before the scan.
  • Sometimes the scan may take longer or you may have to wait if the baby’s position is not apt during the scan. Come prepared to wait. Carry extra food so that the mom and baby don’t stay hungry.
  • Sometimes a trans vaginal scan may be required for better imaging.

Not all scans need you to have a full bladder. It varies with the type of scan you are undergoing. The following table gives you an idea of the time taken and how to be prepared for different types of pregnancy scans:

  1. Very early pregnancy

Typical Time taken

15 minutes


Not necessary to have a full bladder


Abdominal and vaginal scans will be required

  1. NT (11-14 weeks) scan

Typical Time taken

15 to 30 minutes


Not necessary to have a full bladder


Abdominal and vaginal scans will be required to study the baby in detail

  1. Anomaly (18-22 weeks) scan or Late Second-trimester scan

Typical Time taken

30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the position of the baby


Nothing, in particular, no need to have a full bladder for the test


  1. Third-trimester scan and Doppler scans

Typical Time taken

15 to 20 minutes


Nothing, in particular, no need to have a full bladder


  1. Fetal Echocardiogram or Fetalneurosonogram

Typical Time taken

30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the position of the baby


Nothing in particular, no need to have a full bladder

It will be ideal to take an appointment in advance, or at least one day before the scan.

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