Mr. Jackson
Mr. Jackson

Make the horoscope of your child by the NT Scan.

Make the horoscope of your child by the NT Scan.



A good radiologist or a fetal medicine specialist can be an expert horoscope maker, often better than an astrologer because he or she has a better scientifically proven approach.

How is it done, you may wonder?


NT Scan


The NT scan is the key for him or her to make the horoscope. NT means Nuchal Translucency. It is the thickness of fluid behind the neck in the subcutaneous plane. The NT scan is done between 11 weeks and 13 + 6 weeks (not 10 weeks, 6 days, or at 14 weeks) when the CRL (total length from crown to rump) is between 45mm and 84mm. The astrologer needs the correct time of birth and the child’s gender. Here the Doctor needs 5 things to make the horoscope chart:


(1) The CRL

(2) NT measurement

(3) Nasal bone present or absent – all obtained from scanning the fetus

(4) From the maternal blood, he collects the levels of PAPP-A and

(5) Free Beta HCG


 He feeds all these to a computer loaded with special software which gives the result as follows:

  • Low risk (b) Intermediate risk (c) High risk


If the result is low risk, we will give a pass mark and allow the pregnancy to continue. No need to worry. This baby will have a more or less normal life and will live up to death like any of us with all the pangs and happiness of life.


If the result is intermediate risk, we will give one more chance to the pregnancy by advising NIPT – a blood test for the mother. If NIPT is negative, they are like the group mentioned above but if it is positive they fall into high-risk category.


The high-risk category – Unfortunately, the horoscope predictions will be bad for these children.


What to do with the high-risk group?


To draw a “Thalakury” and predict the future instead of “Star Positions” we make it with four main factors:

  • Adenine (2) Guanine (3) Cytosine and (4) Thymine, which the scientists call nucleotides.


 For a more accurate reading of the Grahanila position, we add three components of the nucleotides:

  • Phosphate group (b) A sugar molecule and (c) A nitrogen base



How is this data collected for the horoscope?


We do CVS (chorionic villus Sampling) before 14 weeks of pregnancy or amniocentesis after 16 weeks of pregnancy. These samples contain fetal cells. We culture them outside and multiply the cells. Then, we analyze the chromosomes and DNA by which we get all the data to draw the Grahanila.




  1. Will the parent get a full-term baby or will the pregnancy end up in intra-uterine fetal death?


If the DNA test comes back as Edwards syndrome – trisomy 18 (Extra chromosome 18); PATAU Syndrome (Trisomy 13); TURNER Syndrome (Monosomy X); TRIPLOIDY Hydatid mole; Osteogenesis imperfect type II, severe case of congenital diaphragmatic hernia; SMITH LEMLI – OPITS Syndrome.


In all the above conditions one can predict that most probably the pregnancy will end up in IUD.


By scanning, you can decide whether it is a male or female child (you are not expected to reveal the patient).


  1. If it is a male child, will it have IUD?


X-linked recessive disorders (DUCHENNE MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY; Hemophilia A and B; X-linked Hydrocephalus; X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID); X-linked ICHTHYOSIS (severe form of a skin disease), X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome; Menkes disease; X-linked MYOTUBULAR MYOPATHY; HUNTER SYNDROME; ORNITHINE TRANSCARBAMYLASE Deficiency – All usually will lead to IUD.


  1. If it is a female fetus, will it live up to term?


TURNER SYNDROME (MONOSOMY X); RETT Syndrome; Congenital adrenal hyperplasia; LEIGH syndrome; GOLTS Syndrome, severe form of cystic fibrosis, etc. may end up in IUD.

In the horoscope, we can predict that this “BOY” may not reach adulthood – like the story of MARKENDAYAN or we can predict the “GIRL” may not reach adulthood.


Also, like “Sarapadosham,” we can indicate that this female child will potentially pass the disease to their offspring.


The takeaway lesson is that the NT scan is a must. You can predict many things about the future of your baby by just adding a blood test (Double marker or NIPT) along with the scan. Many couples spend lakhs of rupees to celebrate their marriage, but we see them stingy to spend some money for a blood test. So the conclusion in a sentence is DON’T MISS 11 to 14 WEEKS scan followed by a Double marker / NIPT test of the mother.



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